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Some natural defect perhaps makes you insusceptible in spite of yourself?
We can now repeat that all of them are illusions and insusceptible of proof.
These disputes are the most insusceptible of determination, because they have no foundation in reason.
There are men quite insusceptible to feminine witchcraft.
The policeman with his taboo did make moral and social questions insusceptible to treatment in party platforms.
Fortunately I do not use quite the same thought routines as Edenist habitats, so I am relatively insusceptible.
Cross-resistance between penicillin and other betalactams in penicillin-insusceptible isolates was incomplete: all these isolates remained fully susceptible to amoxicillin.
And like everyone else, I had a complicated past that made me insusceptible to entanglements and indifferent to wild times.
The atmosphere of such a town would be like that of the country, insusceptible of the miasmata which produce yellow fever.
Naturally insusceptible, however, of fear, he crossed himself, and stoutly demanded of the Saracen an account of the pedigree which he had boasted.
In penicillin-insusceptible isolates, MICs of all beta-lactams were increased but cross-resistance between penicillin and other beta-lactams in the penicillin-insusceptible isolates was not complete.
What has actually happened in the year which has since elapsed has shown that those hopes were not justified, those assurances insusceptible of being fulfilled.
According to the decrease value of parathyroid hormone (PTH), 42 SHPT patients were divided into two groups: drug susceptible group and drug insusceptible group.
But the expression "all Indians," besides being insusceptible of methodical classification, involves hearsay, which is not the kind of authority desired in a serious study.
Some natural defect perhaps makes you insusceptible in spite of yourself?
We can now repeat that all of them are illusions and insusceptible of proof.