In the intertemporalchoice of future losses, adults with ADHD exhibited higher discount rates than the control participants.
In the intertemporalchoice of future gains, we observed no behavioural or neural difference between the two groups.
These findings provide novel insights into how the anatomy and functioning of striatal circuits mediate individual differences in intertemporalchoice.
We show that human preferences in an intertemporalchoice task are best described by a model that integrates marginally diminishing utility with temporal discounting.
We report that adolescents were more impatient on an intertemporalchoice task and reported less future orientation, but not more present hedonism, than young adults.
Intertemporalchoice requires a dynamic interaction between valuation and deliberation processes.
In contrast, regions of the lateral prefrontal cortex and posterior parietal cortex are engaged uniformly by intertemporalchoices irrespective of delay.
Intertemporalchoice, the tradeoff among outcomes occurring at different points in time, involves not only benefit options but also those associated with cost.