Conclusion: A high prevalence of intestinalhelminth infections was observed amongst the study population.
Malnutrition associated with intestinalhelminth infections may be an important contributory factor for such disabilities.
Aim: To investigate the prevalence of intestinalhelminth infestation amongst adults living with HIV or AIDS at Mthatha General Hospital.
This allele is found at much lower frequency in parts of West Africa where malarial and intestinalhelminth infections are endemic.
Classical techniques such as FEC are useful for the detection of some intestinalhelminth species, but they lack sensitivity for other parasite species.
Intestinalhelminths induce immune suppressive responses thought to regulate inflammatory diseases including allergies and autoimmune diseases.
Intestinalhelminth infections occur predominantly in regions where exposure to enteric bacterial pathogens is also common.
Background: Intestinalhelminths are pathogens for domestic animals and provide a source of potential infection for humans.
Objectives: The prevalence of intestinalhelminths in domestic dogs was determined in a province-wide survey in Quindío Province, Colombia.
Intestinalhelminth parasites are potent inducers of T helper type 2 (Th2) response and have a regulatory role, notably on intestinal inflammation.