Sir Charles wondered what this inveteratefoe could have to say now.
She determined to create a new league, including Argos, the inveteratefoe of Sparta.
Mr. Carroll is in possession and will yield only to Mr. Martin,-thatinveteratefoe of Mr.
These savages are the most dangerous banditti of the mountains, and the inveteratefoe of the trappers.
He was the inveteratefoe of oppression, and in his later years, opposed every compromise with slavery.
The most inveteratefoe could not characterize this message as revolutionary, however much he might dissent from the policies advocated.
The final disaster occurred in 1014, when Basil II utterly defeated his inveteratefoe in a pass near Seres in Macedonia.
Stamboulof, the inveteratefoe of Russia, now dominates the elections in Bulgaria and Roumelia, thanks to the iradé on the bishoprics.
Finally, the benevolent Arthur Tappan came forward and paid the exorbitant fine imposed upon Garrison, and he went forth a more inveteratefoe of slavery.
Every Papist presented an inveteratefoe, while his connexion with France did not leave him at liberty to act with freedom against the Roman Catholics.
Every Papist presented an inveteratefoe, while his connection with France did not leave him at liberty to act with freedom against the Roman Catholics.
He knew them to be his inveteratefoes, but was deceived in believing they had hearts.
Numbers were ruined by their most intimate friends, and numbers were saved by their most inveteratefoes.
Wolves and bears were incessant and inveteratefoes of the live stock, and the cougar or panther occasionally attacked man as well.
England has gained a number of inveteratefoes who, with good and wise treatment, might now be fighting in her own ranks.
It was a noble and gracious spectacle-themeeting of those hitherto inveteratefoes, the duke of Medina Sidonia and the marques of Cadiz.