Ore rich in iron or the element Fe.
1 Tsingshan produces NPI for its stainless steel production without using iron ores .
2 In metallic products there were iron ores , lead and zinc, and pyrites.
3 This reaction is often employed in the estimation of iron in iron ores .
4 The region round about the martyred town is a region of rich iron ores .
5 Obtain specimens of the following iron ores : Hematite, brown hematite, magnetite, carbonate, and pyrites.
6 Its iron ores are mainly used for the smelting of pig iron and steels.
7 They are iron ores from which iron is made.
8 The iron ores of the middle mountain counties found their way to the forges at Pittsburgh.
9 Colonel Paterson discovered some copper and iron ores , the latter strongly impregnated and rich in metal.
10 In 1784 a great improvement in the smelting of iron ores (puddling) was worked out.
11 It chiefly occurs as oxide, as in magnetite, hæmatite, and in the brown iron ores and ochres.
12 The famous Swedish manganese- iron ores , essential in steel manufacture, are shipped to the United States and Europe.
13 At the bottom of bogs and shallow lakes iron ores sometimes accumulate to a depth of several feet.
14 The DAV began developing Duisburg Nord's walls in 1990, in a room where iron ores were once stored.
15 These, and a great mixture of iron ores , composed the first or eastern line of Stanley's Barrier Range.
16 The region is rich in magnetic iron ores , which though mined for many years are not yet fully developed.
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This collocation consists of: Translations for iron ores