She's not a whaler, and ships like that would keepnorth of the Crozets.
The position allowed the strongest and typhoon-force winds to keepnorth and offshore of Saipan as it passed.
This year they would keepnorth of 60th, but this time they could use $1,000.
We must keepnorth of that river, for to the south the country is thinly populated, and we should have difficulty in maintaining ourselves.
Two's quite a good allowance for that small bunch, but if you keepnorth among the scrub poplar, you won't be bothered by many fences.
Even if we keptnorth, away from this campground, they could approximate where we were.
The boat was then keptnorth-eastward, towards Furneaux's Land.
Kapa haka has keptNorth Hagley Park in Christchurch alive and entertained for the past four days.
As long as the wind keepsnorth, I reckon we sha'n't be troubled by the snow in here.
Japan will also seek, and receive, assurance that Obama will keepNorth Korea's nuclear ambitions as a U.S. priority.
Throughout the 1990s, the United States relied on a negotiated framework to keepNorth Korea from gaining nuclear weapons.
Larger retailers, such as Wal-Mart Stores Inc WMT.N, have the ability to keepNorth Korea-produced goods out of their stores.
Joel Berry II keptNorth Carolina within striking distance in the second half, but the Tar Heels never got closer than four points.
If fighting between Sunni militants and Iraq government forces is keptnorth of Baghdad then the chances of supply disruptions would ease, Spooner said.
Regardless, with Islamic State the world's most pressing crisis, the nuclear test keepsNorth Korea on the foreign policy agenda, something that Pyongyang generally likes.
KeepingNorth in Wales is also on Gatland's agenda, with the head coach on Friday calling the teenager an inspiration for youngsters across the country.