Thus the kinetictheory of gases slid into focus without trouble.
The kinetictheory of gas is an assertion of ultimate chaos.
We begin to have a kinetictheory of the physical universe.
He explained the behavior of gases with changing pressure and temperature, establishing the kinetictheory of gases.
We must not conceal from ourselves that this result would be in contradiction with the kinetictheory.
Boyle's law and the rest had to be discovered before the kinetictheory of gases became possible.
Professor Van der Waals arrived at this relation by relying upon considerations derived from the kinetictheory of gases.
The values of the module are moderately increased also with increasing temperature, which corresponds to the kinetictheory of caoutchouc elasticity.
Furthermore, using simple kinetictheory computational modeling, we found that this reduction in stiffness alone is sufficient to cause granulocyte demargination.
The kinetictheory has permitted the diffusion of gases to be explained, and the divers circumstances of the phenomenon to be calculated.
Our review presents these developments from the perspective of the underlying microscopic physics, using the language of quantum field theory, relativistic kinetictheory, and holography.
Will the kinetictheory stand also the clinical test of controlling that protean disease bred in the midst of the stress of our present-day life?
The responsibility for the kinetictheory is assumed by myself, while the responsibility for the experimental data is shared fully by my associates, Dr. J.