A landlocked republic in west central Asia bordering on northwestern China; formerly an Asian soviet but became independent in 1991.
A Northwestern Turkic language, and, together with Russian, an official language of Kyrgyzstan.
Examples for "kyrgyz "
Examples for "kyrgyz "
1 He said Kyrgyz officials had told him their state coffers were empty.
2 Kyrgyz officials on Monday refused to comment on whether talks were continuing.
3 A Kyrgyz Interior Ministry spokesman said the car exploded inside the compound.
4 We are trying to establish contact with Kyrgyz authorities, Qureshi told Reuters.
5 There has always been rivalry between Kyrgyz people and traditionally richer Uzbeks.
1 A single wolf had recently worried 180 sheep belonging to a Kirghiz .
2 Another Kirghiz , who was mounted, was attacked and killed, horse and all.
3 The Kirghiz never clothe their horses, even in the coldest winter.
4 The Kirghiz themselves have but little faith in doctors or vets.
5 This city was once the frontier fortress erected by Russia against the Kirghiz .
6 They were made of grey Kirghiz felt, which cannot be procured at Khotan.
7 The Kirghiz are by far the finest of the Tartars.
8 Like the Kirghiz Steppe, it is unfit for agriculture, although it contains several oases.
9 We have seen the Bashkirs and the Kirghiz ; perhaps we may weary out Pugatchéf here.
10 The slopes of the constituent chains of the system are inhabited principally by nomad Kirghiz .
11 To think the Kirghiz used golden eagles for hunting!
12 The Kirghiz hordes rose at the voice of Feofar-Khan.
13 They begin at the Kirghiz Steppes, and run west.
14 He had advanced farther than Lake Balkhash, gaining over the Kirghiz population on his way.
15 He looked more like a Tartar or a Kirghiz .
16 Again, the conquest of Central Asia led her to overstep the barrier of the Kirghiz deserts.
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