Shall we pulse it, like Daniel, that knowingyoung Jew?
Hoffart said he felt hopeful knowingyoung people were leading the way in the sustainability movement and offered many gift ideas for a waste-free christmas.
In the first place, urged Kitty, the one thing that this knowingyoung man did not know was the amount of security the library represented.
The footman Hill, knowingyoung Murie as a frequent guest at Glencardine, the other day showed him into the library and left him there alone.
The man of law submitted that because he was a poet it did not follow that he was not an uncommonly knowingyoung man too.
' Knowingyoung fellow to wait for my announcement!
"You are a very knowingyoung man."
"It will be fixed when we come back from Wheatly," said that knowingyoung woman, "and now don't worry any more about it."