A small-growing, branching shrub, with obovate- lanceolateleaves, and compound umbels of yellowish flowers.
The trees had extremely long, lanceolateleaves, roughly the shape of grass-blades stretched out even longer.
Grevillea, Cerotaphylla, and Mimosoides, a Melaleuca with broad lanceolateleaves, Spathodea and a Balfouria, R. Br.
This is a neat little shrub, usually about 4 feet high, with oblong- lanceolateleaves, and inconspicuous catkins.
A tall, climbing shrub, with small, ovate- lanceolateleaves, and clusters of curious purplish-brown, green-tipped flowers produced in summer.
A small shrubby Stenochilus with very green linear lanceolateleaves and red tubulous flowers, is frequent amongst the Bricklow.
A small-growing and slender species, with oblong- lanceolateleaves 2 inches long, and producing small yellow flowers in terminal heads.
The ovate- lanceolateleaves are of a light greyish-green, and the small white flowers are produced in dense racemes or spikes.
She retired behind a bird's-nest fern, on the long, lanceolateleaves of which were the shells of the mountain snail.
I also here obtained specimens of a beautiful Hovea, with long lanceolateleaves, a much finer shrub than H. celsii.
This is a much branched twiggy shrub, about 4 feet high, with small, linear- lanceolateleaves, thickly studded with pellucid dots.
I. Hookeri is a free-flowering perennial, with pointed lanceolateleaves, of a delicate texture, bright green, and very finely toothed.
A pretty lax, trailing shrub, with long, slender, flexible twigs, small linear- lanceolateleaves, and rather sparsely-produced lilac or violet flowers.
The typical leaf is oblong elliptical, while individual plants produce lanceolateleaves with two short lateral lobes, with many intermediate forms.
A spreading shrub 8 feet or 10 feet high, with lanceolateleaves clothed with silvery scales.
This has long, obovate- lanceolateleaves, that are white with down on the under surface, and bears dense, oblong, terminal panicles of rosy flowers.