This projects as a small sac between the antero- and postero- lateralligaments of the joint.
Caries of the os pedis, of the lateralligaments of the pedal-joint, or of the lateral cartilages, is a result.
The club announced that "preliminary assessments have confirmed that Kane has damaged lateralligaments in his right ankle".
The interosseous and postero- lateralligaments of the articulation often participate in the inflammatory changes, and in many cases become completely ossified.
It will be remembered that here the synovial membrane protrudes as a small sac between the antero- and postero- lateralligaments of the joint.
The anterior, posterior, and lateralligaments are mainly concerned in preventing the gravid uterus, in quadrupeds, from pitching too far forward toward the diaphragm.
The two bones, as one, are then connected to the second phalanx by four lateralligaments, an anterior and a posterior on each side.