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On the morrow, October 14, Luther brought his reply to the legate.
To this last proposal the legate consented, as did all the others.
He escorted the legate back to his quarters in a cold fury.
Philip refused, and Innocent, through his legate, put France under an interdict.
Now, Cesare, being a duke, resents a cousin's being a papal legate.
Usage of legatus in English
This is a curious legatus, thought she, who does not live by presents.
Asellius; and the legatus of the whole region, Cn.
These provinces were administered, according to circumstances, by a praeses of senatorial rank, a legatus pro praetore, or a vir clarissimus consularis.
If the government later tries to enforce the mandate against Legatus, the group can resume its court challenge then, Cleland wrote.
Legatus (from the Latin, meaning ambassador) is the only organisation in the world aimed exclusively at Catholic business leaders.
Legatus aims to help business leaders and their spouses apply gospel values in a corporate context, writes Patsy McGarry, Religious Affairs Correspondent.
The judge refused to shield Legatus from the law, finding that the non-profit association would likely qualify for the government's accommodation for religious organizations.
"Quickly," he said to Lorand, with a hoarse voice, "get up at once, sir 'legatus,' beside me.