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The motile aerobic rod-shaped Gram-negative bacterium that thrives in central heating and air conditioning systems and can cause Legionnaires' disease.
It is a potentially fatal lung infection that is caused by the legionella bacteria.
Six more people who have symptoms of legionella are being tested for the disease.
Last year inspectors found legionella bacteria in four rooms at the Savoy in the Strand.
The legionella bacteria cannot survive in water above 60°C.
Legionellosis is a respiratory infection caused by legionella bacteria.
Dr Aicken said taps, showers or air conditioning at the hospital may have been harbouring legionella bacteria.
Christchurch Hospital said of the ten cases of legionella pneumonia at least one person required treatment in intensive care.
Although doctors could not determine which he caught first, they noted that legionella has been linked to cruise ships.
A spa pool at Auckland's historic Tepid Baths is one of two council-owned pools to test positive for legionella bacteria.
The bacteria was detected during testing by the public health service to identify the sources for two separate cases of legionella.
About Legionnaires' disease According to medical journals, the disease is usually caused by an infection and a bacterium known as legionella.
Although doctors could not determine which he caught first, they noted that legionella has been linked to cruise ships, not hospitals.
A spa pool at the Auckland Council-owned Onehunga War Memorial Pool and Leisure Centre has been closed after legionella bacteria was found.
In May and June 2005 the hotel's air-conditioning system tested positive for legionella bacteria - the pathogens that can cause Legionnaire's disease.
By isolating the bacteria from the victims and from a water system in the hotel, the condition was identified and named legionella pneumophila.
Legionnaires' Disease is caused by a bacterium called legionella pneumophila and is contracted by breathing in droplets of water that contain the bacterium.