Once again it is the lessadvantaged who are losing out.
The trend in recent years has been for larger increases in applications by candidates from lessadvantaged backgrounds.
Many whom Oshodi knows from lessadvantaged backgrounds struggled to negotiate the system with that perspective, he says.
Politicians must take urgent action to improve the health of lessadvantaged groups in society, especially children, doctors say.
Individuals in lessadvantaged nations .. are too busy trying (to survive)... to be arrogant and grandiose.
The LTA is hoping to increase the number of seven- to 11-year-olds from lessadvantaged areas to take up the game.
I do wonder what people think would happen to their children if they went to school alongside a lessadvantaged child.
The Republic thus began to experiment, cautiously at first, with assistance and welfare programs to increase the opportunities of its lessadvantaged citizens.
Others will contrast this leniency with the custodial sentences sometimes imposed upon defendants whose life circumstances are much lessadvantaged than those of solicitors.
More than 50% of those were young people from lessadvantaged homes, and more than 80% went on to leading universities.