The controversy came against the backdrop of an ongoing cultural clash between liberalforces and religious conservatives.
Former AKP deputy Suat Kiniklioglu recalls a purge of centrist and liberalforces in the parliamentary group in 2011.
Protesters sympathetic to left-wing and liberalforces were kicked out of the square, only to return in greater numbers.
Conservative and liberalforces argue the world has changed, dictating a more environmentally friendly regime, in which nuclear must have a place.
Georgia has witnessed a cultural clash between liberalforces and religious conservatives over the past decade, as it has modernized and introduced radical reforms.
The liberalforces in Britain, France, and Russia are extraordinarily embarrassed and enslaved by the vast belligerent necessities into which their lives have been caught.
The Liberalforces offered no opposition, and their guerrillas did not even harass the rear-guard of the retreating French.