That's down 1 percent from last year, but reverses a years- longtrend of decline.
That was the continuation of a series- longtrend: the Bruins' superiority in special teams.
To continue this longtrend is to guarantee tremendous social, cultural, political, and economic upheavals.
The season- longtrend of the Jets being forced to mix and match at receiver continues.
That was the latest move in a years- longtrend of legislators' impatience with stopping deadly homemade bombs.
The chart looks like this, and gives perhaps a slight hint that longtrend is under threat.
But profits fell further, ensuring a decade- longtrend of bosses taking a rising share of corporate profits continued.
This was the second time in three months footfall has risen and reversed a year- longtrend of falling numbers.
But if Canberra are to celebrate a first premiership since 1994, they will have to buck a longtrend.
That's a reversal of a century- longtrend, according to Toby Lloyd, head of policy at Shelter, a homelessness charity.
The numbers are dramatically eclipsing those from 2017 and continue a decade- longtrend towards more early voting in New Zealand.
These firms are continuing a longtrend of beefing up their financial planning services and de-emphasizing their broker-as-stock jockey past.
The move away from U.S. stocks continues a year- longtrend in which investors continue to favor bonds over domestic equities.
That move reverses a years- longtrend of blocking the web 2.0 locales on military networks.
After a decade- longtrend of falling production, the company reported a marginal rise in its overall production for the fiscal year ended March 2015.
Achim Steiner said the decades- longtrend of exploiting Kenya's biodiversity could severely damage its agriculture and tourism sectors, as well as its water supplies.