Mr. Grinnell had the worst- lookingnose you ever saw.
The rubbery- lookingnose hooks slightly to the right, which adds to the impression of slyness and concealment.
She had slaty-gray eyes and a pale, dramatic face with long teeth and a dignified and powerful- lookingnose.
One of the nicest sights I know is Heloise smelling a bluebell with her long, white, naked- lookingnose.
On the forehead the locks were cut short, so as to afford free scope to his black eyes and sturdy- lookingnose.
The naked- lookingnose of land projecting from the unknown island was, indeed, growing larger and larger, like the trunk of some terrible and advancing elephant.
"She's got the ungodliest- lookingnose I ever saw," the man said, going up the stairs.
"I don't believe there's any danger of that," retorted Darrin, with an ironical glance at Pennington's damaged- lookingnose.