The Samaritans were a despised lowerstratum of the population of Palestine.
Marius tapped a lowerstratum, and allowed the Capite Censi to volunteer.
This class belongs to a lowerstratum; they have graduated downward.
In America, except in the regions where the negro abounds, there is no lowerstratum.
Was it the sudden upcropping of some lowerstratum in my nature- abrutalprimitive instinct suddenly asserting itself?
By him Harold was let into those secrets of the lowerstratum of society he had longed to understand.
As our globe sweeps through it, the lowerstratum of air naturally sinks down into the valleys and like depressions.
Though the lowerstratum of air in the Dog's Grotto had been highly mephitic, the atmosphere here was more stifling still.
Jefferson thought more of men than of their surroundings, and thus became popular with ordinary people in a lowerstratum of social life.
The lowerstratum of air is warmed by the earth and by objects which have been warmed by radiated heat from the sun.
It was the lowerstratum of the labor-world-hardphysical labor, irregular work, and, on the whole, undignified treatment by the men set over them.
Maria, in these last months, saw very little of Gladys, who had sunken entirely into the lowerstratum of society in which she belonged.
On such occasions it appeared that the gale was impelled to blow straight out from the plateau slopes over a lowerstratum of dead-air.
On our side the plateau showed a huge slip of red volcanic earth, with a lowerstratum parallel to it of baked brown rock.
Then came a few guests belonging to a lowerstratum of society-peoplewho, like the Epanchins themselves, moved only occasionally in this exalted sphere.
As a general rule, the heights in Rome were occupied by the better class of residents, and the hollows by the lowerstratum of population.