My mother spends her life in makingstories about the people she's fond of.
He probably spent most of his time at first makingstories out of the frescoes on the walls.
The next step was makingstories about them to account for what was seen; so arose myths and legends.
The art of makingstories of ghosts and apparitions credible is said to consist in the manner of telling them.
I then quickly realised that I loved blogging mainly about cultural experiences and I enjoyed makingstories out of the trips I did.
I began in grade school, because I loved to read, and liked the idea of makingstories happen the way I wanted them to.
But in contrast to the headline- makingstories of sexual violence and abuse, Jane (Julia Garner) experiences quieter, more insidious forms of discrimination.
But for two, the trope-y-ness works, because in the right hands, a "trope" is just a structure for makingstories you care about.
All of which explains why I found myself in a room for the MakingStories: Libraries and Community Publishing discussion.