The arch of bone beneath the eye that forms the prominence of the cheek.
Examples for "cheekbone "
Examples for "cheekbone "
1 The speaker in my cheekbone crackled and Commander Cortez said, Two minutes.
2 It was later revealed Salmon had suffered a broken orbital and cheekbone .
3 He had the doctor over there make sure my cheekbone wasn't shattered.
4 The bullet from my .44 hit her just over her right cheekbone .
5 A pink blotch had formed on the cheekbone under his right eye.
1 The face is long, moderately broad, and the zygomatic arches are seldom prominent.
2 But the acid ate all the way down to the zygomatic and the maxilla.
3 The forward projection of the zygoma and the zygomatic arch often expose them to injury.
4 Maxillary rehabilitation can be further improved by using the vascularized bone graft and zygomatic implants.
5 Slowly, we extracted the wreckage that had been Ferris's maxillary, zygomatic , nasal, and temporal bones.
1 Now I'm missing part of my zygomatic bone .
1 8.-Partof Zygomatic Arch, showing the projecting end of the malar bone and the auditory meatus: of natural size.
1 The skull differs in shape, and greatly in the angle formed by the union of the pre-maxillary, nasal, and maxillo- jugal bones .
1 ZMB reconstruction is also important to provide a good contour of malar prominence.
2 Not far from the yellow pile his transistor radio was playing rag malar .
3 Photosensitivity and a malar dermatitis were the most common features.
4 The prominence of the malar (cheek) bones.
5 The malar , or cheek bone.
6 The vertebræ, sacrum, coccyx, temporal, sphenoid, ethmoid, malar , two maxillary, palate, inferior turbinated, and hyoid are known as irregular bones.
7 Jerdon, who has in some measure adopted these remarks, adds that the tail is more tufted, and the malar beard is well marked.
8 First, we passed through the Malar Lake -oneof the most beautiful pieces of water in the world.
9 About Fortis Malar Hospitals Ltd Fortis Malar Hospitals Limited is a provider of super specialty and multi-specialty healthcare services.
10 On the news, Malar shares rose 20 percent to a new high of 38.25 rupees.
11 It is wonderful he does not remember how narrowly he made his escape, when we had penned him in in the Malar lake.
12 8.-Partof Zygomatic Arch, showing the projecting end of the malar bone and the auditory meatus: of natural size.
13 Fortis, through its unit, will buy 28 percent of equity from promoters of Chennai-based Malar for 30 rupees a share, Singh said.
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