The predictability was correlated with the magnitude of the maxillary and mandibularadvancement, age and V-Y closure.
Conclusions: These data suggest that the mode of dilation of the velopharyngeal space differs between maxillary advancement and mandibularadvancement.
Linear regression analysis identified age, gender, amount of surgical mandibularadvancement and postoperative condylar volume loss as predictive factors for mandibular relapse.
Accordingly, we hypothesized that mandibularadvancement increases cross-sectional area of several segments of the upper airway, including the velopharynx and the oropharynx.
The mean mandibularadvancement was 7.8 mm.
For more severe sleep apnoea, a mandibularadvancement splint (interlocking gum shield which pulls the jaw forward) can also be helpful.
Background: The benefit of mandibularadvancement devices in patients with sleep-disordered breathing and as a potential option for obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome is well recognised.