Large evergreen tropical tree cultivated for its large oval fruit.
Examples for "mango "
Examples for "mango "
1 Conclusion: Preharvest bagging with different wavelength-selective materials affected mango development and quality.
2 There is a very clever trick in India called the mango trick.
3 But she was not going to let the mango seller know it.
4 There are plenty of them there in the rivers and mango swamps.
5 Seconds later, he landed in the fragrant arms of a mango tree.
1 Sahakara is Mangifera Indica , Linn.
1 Seconds later, he landed in the fragrant arms of a mango tree .
2 Under a huge mango tree two were engaged in dividing a sheep.
3 Then they came to a mango tree and the same thing happened.
4 From my secret mango tree , I watched the kids leave the hostel.
5 But come, let us sit down under this mango tree and eat.
6 Back at camp, I found myself at the mango tree talking to myself.
7 Under that mango tree , my mind went back to thoughts of running away.
8 They sat down outside Moses's tukul, in the shade of a mango tree .
9 My grandfather had a mango tree he guarded with his life.
10 Lifts the cloth, shows you the mango tree in leaf.
11 The secretary returned to his cigarette under the mango tree .
12 The first trick shown was the well known mango tree .
13 We sat quietly under the mango tree , facing the house.
14 Anand was on sentry duty atop a mango tree along with a steel flashlight.
15 We must act, even as the mango tree which drops as it bears fruit.
16 At the bend of the road, under the mango tree , I met my Guru Thakur.
Other examples for "mango tree"
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This collocation consists of: Translations for mango tree