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1 Natural belief of the school-girl mind, that water-coloured sketches are a marketable commodity !
2 I'm going to offer just such a marketable commodity .
3 Healthcare does not work as a marketable commodity .
4 Even in an age given over to the marketable commodity , England can still breed men of this calibre.
5 Many a decrepit lead mine had been reopened to turn its once worthless innards into a marketable commodity .
6 I got a marketable commodity - - one vote .
7 He was not a marketable commodity .
8 Whiskey was not merely his chief marketable commodity : it was also his medium of exchange when money was scarce.
9 After all, Tono-Bungay is still a marketable commodity and in the hands of purchasers, who bought it from-among other vendors-me.
10 Or toward making the information which I possessed a marketable commodity between the wealthy branch of the family and myself?
11 Wealth and power are to him who has a marketable commodity , and one cannot complain when true genius becomes rich.
12 But were we born for this, to extend our proprietary rights over this world and make of it a marketable commodity ?
13 Meanwhile, Rotten has proved to be a surprisingly marketable commodity for a man who was once the scourge of proper British society.
14 If his relationship with Martina Hingis, as reported in Swiss newspapers this week, blossoms he will doubtless become a more marketable commodity .
15 But he had much to say on the subject of those paid philosophers, who hawk about virtue like any other marketable commodity .
16 Like Berry Gordy and Russell Simmons before him, Puffy was able to shape his own version of the 'hood into a marketable commodity .
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