In large part because its landing site had been carefully selected before launch, Phoenix became the first spacecraft to collect and analyze martianwater ice.
The Martianwater was a gradual discovery too, he points out.
Strong cautioned them against drinking rocket juice, suggesting they drink Martianwater instead.
In June, stunning time-lapse images of evaporating ice verified the long-suspected presence of Martianwater.
Scientists soon reported that Martianwater was once widespread, playing a central role in the planet's development.
Without a word, the barman opened the bottles of Martianwater and gave them to Roger and Astro.
The new study's innovative investigation of Martianwater's chemistry, however, could start the pendulum swinging back the other way.
Taking his time, he finished his glass of Martianwater, then swaggered across the crowded room to the table.
The newly-discovered glaciers, reported Wednesday in Science, appear to contain the largest volume of Martianwater ice outside the poles.
And it's tough to condemn his methods, considering Nasa is probably, at this very moment, flogging the Martianwater reserves to Nestlé.
With all the Martianwater studies coming out these days, it's easy to start imagining the red planet as a three-dimensional mineral analysis.
The more the geology looks like Earth, the more likely it seems that some life forms could have developed in the Martianwaters.