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Expectation-maximization algorithm and bayesian methods were used to estimate haplotype frequencies.
Survival of the fittest required the maximization of every available asset.
An expectation-maximization algorithm is described to account for unknown variance and covariance parameters.
In non-humans hyperbolic discounting coincides with rate of gain maximization in repetitive choices.
In our experiment, we used the multiatlas label propagation with expectation-maximization-based refinement segmentation method.
Usage of maximisation in English
Indeed profit maximisation can be considered by definition an inefficient allocation of social value.
So what's needed is an alternative to growth maximisation at all costs, James argues.
Nor can we afford our own aspirations, which the culture of wealth maximisation encourages.
But the church achieves its goal of profit maximisation when everyone else burns fossil fuels.
There is a clash between profit maximisation and safety, as we are learning on the rail network.
Also in 'evolutionary economics' the utility maximisation model can be applied though these researchers are critical of this approach.
My reasons for frustration are many and range from Minister McDaid's marketing shortsightedness to his able maximisation of a PR opportunity.
At one point in history, see Mirowski (1989), economists were willing to analyse human behaviour in terms of utility maximisation.
In their eyes, no amount of "corporate responsibility" can possibly compensate for the damage done in the name of profit maximisation.
It's also a clash of cultures and of differing visions of capitalism: Anglo-Saxon profit maximisation pitted against Germany's long-term focused social market economy model.
Whilst profit maximisation remains their goal, critical decisions such as reducing the number of games played, a winter break, will never be voted upon.
Spin-outs tend to prioritise the maximisation of social value within their services and usually take the structure of a co-operative, mutual or social enterprise.
Utility maximisation however helps organising one's thoughts, helps professional discussion, facilitates modelling and empirical estimation, and is generally considered an advance above less explicit approaches.
It is a world foreign to our own of shareholder value maximisation and gigantic personal bonuses, where interest in social problems is seen as "anti-business".
Indeed profit maximisation can be considered by definition an inefficient allocation of social value.
So what's needed is an alternative to growth maximisation at all costs, James argues.