The material of this inhospitable coast is a hard metamorphicschist which bids defiance to time and weather.
Layers of rock were formed as deep-sea mud experienced intense pressure from the weight of the ice, creating the metamorphicschist.
Hence the area, over which the cleavage of the slate and the foliation of the metamorphicschists extends with an average W.N.W.
-Stratificationof metamorphicschists.-Foliationof intrusive rocks.-Relation of cleavage and foliation to the lines of tension during metamorphosis.
The so-called beds in the metamorphicschists, so unlike common cleavage laminae, seems the best, or at least one argument against such a suspicion.
Near the bifurcation of the Beagle Channel, where the underlying metamorphicschists are first seen, they are foliated (with some irregularities), in this same W.N.W.