A layer of ore between layers of rock.
1 They thus exposed a broad mineral vein on the side of the mountain.
2 The law gives a mineral vein to the person who stakes it off and records it first.
3 They were successful, and when they had reached a point 140 feet below the surface rock, they struck the mineral vein .
4 They had enough presence of mind, however, to lay the moss carefully back in place so as to hide the mineral vein .
5 It is a mineral vein , or cavity, in which are blended together coal of the most fixed kind, quartz and marmor metallicum.
6 In respect of these, the mineral veins now to be examined are anomalous.
7 The Steamboat Springs, Nevada, furnish examples of mineral veins in process of formation.
8 All over the region the rocks are seamed by mineral veins .
9 The mountain foothills are full of mineral veins of copper, gold, silver, lead and molybdonite.
10 Thousands of mineral veins in this and other countries occur in regions remote from eruptive rocks.
11 Are mineral veins aqueous or igneous in origin?
12 This is the case with mineral veins .
13 The event of highest generalization or universality, in the form of those mineral veins , is fracture and dislocation.
14 At such depths it deposits these minerals in the pores of rocks, cementing their grains together, and in crevices and fissures, forming mineral veins .
15 -Excavationand reduction of the ore.-Extractionof the gold.- "Mantos".-Originof mineral veins : their connection with intrusions of Plutonic rocks.
Grammar, pronunciation and more
This collocation consists of: Translations for mineral vein