It is a most modern establishment and employs the very latest methods of moralreformation.
You detect signs of a moralreformation?
To many other thoughtful persons, a moralreformation in the head and members of the Church seemed vitally necessary.
Washington's is the mightiest name of earth-longsince mightiest in the cause of civil liberty; still mightiest in moralreformation.
Washington is the mightiest name on earth-longsince the mightiest in the cause of civil liberty, still mightiest in moralreformation.
Washington is the mightiest name of earth long since mightiest in the cause of civil liberty, still mightiest in moralreformation.
A moralreformation has been already awakened, and it cannot now be drugged to sleep by the sophistries of detected sin.
The detention of the doubly-convicted, men long practised in the vices of the island, was still more unfavorable to a moralreformation.
You may wash and wash and wash with the cold water of moralreformation, you will never get the dirt out with it.
First of all we must abandon the idea of working his moralreformation, as the term "moralreformation" is popularly understood.
Yes; a Christianity that puts repentance into a parenthesis, and talks about faith only, will never underlie a permanent and thorough moralreformation.
In your place, now, I would either give up keeping a gambling saloon or I would give up the moralreformation line of business.
As a general thing it is even then unavailing, because too mechanical to produce permanent good, and not adapted to mental and moralreformation.