How much moreconstancy ought we to show in bestowing benefits!
He has moreconstancy-morestrength of character than you think-andfar more principle than you have.
He had in this pursuit persevered with moreconstancy and fortitude than he ever exerted in any other instance.
Her thoughts have dwelt on it with moreconstancy than his;-andthen too her devotion has separated her from other things.
In conclusion, diploid carcinomas and their metastases revealed moreconstancy of the DI and the percentage of SPF than aneuploid carcinomas.
We should diminish the 'amateur' element; we should augment the trained banking element; and we should ensure moreconstancy in the administration.
The Indians, in general, are either capable of suffering exquisite pain longer than we are, or of showing moreconstancy and composure in their torments.