It's a moreroundabout route, but one which should work just as well.
The Count and Jean Perliez took a moreroundabout and a steeper way.
The soluble part of the body waste goes by a somewhat moreroundabout route.
The Spanish press have claimed that the deal could be done in a moreroundabout way.
However, precisely because they now had a fast, comfortable car, they chose to take a moreroundabout route.
His usual roundabout manner of going to work proved, on this occasion, to be moreroundabout than ever.
Moved by I know not what folly, I wrote her a yet moreroundabout letter, which, however, was very pressing.
There would have been little sense in trying to follow him or to head him off, even by moreroundabout courses.
Meanwhile Commissary Primorin had gone by a moreroundabout way in order the more surely to surprise the other Questor, M. Baze.
As it turns out, it was just the start of one of the game's moreroundabout journeys to being an international number one.
Across the hall, in the smoke-choked room where Hickock was undergoing his second interrogation, Church and Nye were methodically applying a moreroundabout strategy.
The Arctic route is a moreroundabout way of reaching Europe than crossing the Mediterranean, but the migrants taking the route think it is safer.