Epiboly is the first coordinated cell movement in mostvertebrates and marks the onset of gastrulation.
For mostvertebrates, the frequency of recombination varies slightly or considerably between the sexes (heterochiasmy).
She says there is genetic evidence that they evolved later than cones, and mostvertebrates have since kept them.
The crystallins are structural elements that constitute about 90 percent of the total soluble protein of eye lenses in mostvertebrates.
There are several types of bushes which grow thorns impregnated with glucosides which are extremely irritating to the skins of mostvertebrates.
A presumably much older duplication occurred in the alpha crystallins present in mostvertebrates, with the alphaA and alphaB genes now residing on different chromosomes.
Abstract: Mostvertebrates have rod and cone photoreceptors, which differ in their sensitivity and response kinetics.