Muslimguerrillas meanwhile struck again in the southern Algerian Laghouat province, killing two people.
Around 20 heavily armed Muslimguerrillas surrendered their weapons to the Kashmir police, chief, Mr M.N.
PARIS - Gunmen thought to be Muslimguerrillas have abducted two teenage girls on their way to school in Algiers.
Fourteen Muslimguerrillas and six other people were killed in clashes in the disputed Indian state of Kashmir, officials said today.
Thirteen hostages in the Philippines have been rescued from Muslimguerrillas who have beheaded 10 captives in the last three days.
SECURITY forces killed 20 Muslimguerrillas after they ambushed a convoy carrying medicines in western Algeria, an Algerian newspaper said yesterday.
PARIS - Muslimguerrillas have killed 18 men by cutting their throats in two separate attacks, el Watan newspaper said yesterday.
The explosions were the seventh and eighth in the past month in the region where Muslimguerrillas are fighting for self rule.
Nine Indian policemen were killed and 10 wounded when Muslimguerrillas stormed a police camp in the Kashmir region, police said today.
PARIS - Suspected Muslimguerrillas shot dead an Algerian journalist and wounded another outside the offices of a newspaper in central Algiers.
Hundreds of Muslimguerrillas attacked two towns in the Mindanao region yesterday, burning homes, raiding banks and forcing thousands to flee, officials said.
More than 750 people, held since Wednesday by the heavily armed Muslimguerrillas, were rescued, Deputy Interior Minister Vladimir Vasilyev said on Saturday.
Srinagar - Fourteen Muslimguerrillas and six other people were killed in clashes in the disputed Indian state of Kashmir, officials said yesterday.
PARIS - Muslimguerrillas blew up a railway line, derailing a train carrying fuel and killing four people, an Algerian newspaper said yesterday.
Suspected separatist Muslimguerrillas are believed to have killed 17 Hindu villagers today in India's troubled Jammu and Kashmir state, a police official said.
The Philippines maintained a hardline stance against Muslimguerrillas who have threatened to behead three Americans today if Manila failed to grant their demands.