He seasoned that narrative with suggestions that Syed's Muslimreligion led him to kill.
Conservative groups there say his preaching in clubs and red light districts is an insult to the Muslimreligion.
Sinéad O'Connor has described how she felt "at home" after reading the Koran and subsequently embracing the Muslimreligion.
The tricolour flew at half mast as an interdenominational prayer service was held with representatives from the Christian, Jewish and Muslimreligions.
He said that in the Muslimreligion, the body of the deceased must be buried before sunset on the day of the death.
When any reference to the Muslimreligion appeared, he added his own adjectives: "wretched," "abominable," "wicked," "insane," though none of these were in Polo's text.
An evangelical Protestant pastor who said Islam was "Satanic" and "spawned in hell" has been acquitted of making "grossly offensive" remarks about the Muslimreligion.