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No association of melanocytic naevus was detected in any cases of melanoma.
Melanoma arising from blue naevus is an exceedingly rare variant of melanoma.
The case was really one of large congenital naevus pilosus and fibroma molluscum combined.
Sometimes the hairy anomalies are but instances of naevus pilosus.
Ziemssen figures an interesting case of naevus pilosus resembling "bathing tights".
Background: Clonal naevi are characterized by a focal proliferation of pigmented melanocytes in an otherwise banal naevus.
This type of melanoma develops on blue naevus or resembles blue naevus, most frequently cellular blue naevus.
Only 4 cases of melanomas associated with a naevus of Ota without ocular melanosis have been previously described.
Understanding the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in naevus development may be important in understanding the pathogenesis of malignant melanoma.
Patients detecting their lesions themselves were treated significantly later than patients in whom others had remarked on changes in a naevus.
We observed significant p73 mRNA expression in all the cell lines and tissue specimens except one benign melanocytic naevus and one melanoma metastasis.
To determine clonality naevi were removed and separated into epithelial and naevus cell fractions and the DNA prepared and digested by a methylase-sensitive restriction enzyme.
The most common form of capillary angioma is the nævus or congenital telangiectasis.
The people passing by looked at them, and said, half aloud, There stands the gladiator Naevus.
In many cases electrolysis is to be preferred, and is performed in the same way as for nævus.
From two to eight or ten sittings may be necessary, according to the size and character of the nævus.