Prior studies demonstrate focal, neocorticalepilepsy is associated with dysfunction, several hours before seizures.
Restraining excitatory neurotransmission within a seizure focus provides a nondestructive treatment strategy for intractable neocorticalepilepsy.
Objective: To evaluate the long-term surgical outcome and to identify possible prognostic factors in patients with nonlesional neocorticalepilepsy.
Conclusions: Topographic movies of intracranial HFOs on the brain surface allow visualization of the dynamic ictal changes in neocorticalepilepsy.
Importance: The proportion of surgery for nonlesional neocorticalepilepsy has recently increased, with a decrease in surgery for mesial temporal lobe epilepsy.
However, there are only a few studies regarding the long-term surgical outcome and the potential prognostic factors for patients with nonlesional neocorticalepilepsy.
Several predictors of favorable surgical outcomes were identified, which can help select optimal candidates for surgical treatment among patients with nonlesional neocorticalepilepsy.