Only five cases of PCMC with neuroendocrinedifferentiation have been reported to date.
We conclude that secretagogin is a novel marker for neuroendocrinedifferentiation.
This is the first case reported of mucin-rich carcinoma of salivary gland origin exhibiting neuroendocrinedifferentiation.
In one case, the histology of the biopsy samples showed a squamous cell carcinoma with neuroendocrinedifferentiation.
The extent of neuroendocrinedifferentiation in prostate cancer correlates with aggressive disease and with progression to HRPC.
This study provides evidence for CgA synthesis in SCCL and confirms the specificity of CgA for neuroendocrinedifferentiation.
Conclusions: The Notch signaling pathway is a significant regulator of neuroendocrinedifferentiation and serotonin production in GI carcinoid tumors.
Pathologically, these tumors are poorly differentiated carcinomas with distinctive cytoarchitectural features and are often immunoreactive for markers of neuroendocrinedifferentiation.
Our previous study revealed that neuroendocrinedifferentiation in colorectal cancer is one of the important factors leading to worse prognosis.
Minimal evidence of neuroendocrinedifferentiation in either tumor was found with any of the usual immunohistochemical markers used for this purpose.
We also show that the AKT pathway is likely responsible for neuroendocrinedifferentiation in DU145, an androgen-independent prostate cancer cell line.
Hormonal therapy induces neuroendocrinedifferentiation of prostate cancer cells, which is hypothesized to contribute to tumor recurrence by a paracrine mechanism.
These data indicate that neuroendocrinedifferentiation in non-small cell carcinomas of the lung may in some cases be suspected on routine histology.
We demonstrated the utility of this technique by studying the proliferation and neuroendocrinedifferentiation of prostate cancer-derived LNCaP cells cultured in vitro.
Both tumour cell proliferation and neuroendocrinedifferentiation have been suggested as additional prognostic parameters, neuroendocrinedifferentiation being considered to enhance tumour cell proliferation.
We discuss the histogenesis of composite mammary carcinomas with neuroendocrinedifferentiation, the outcome of each component and the prognostic relevance of such a diagnosis.