Continuous risk factors were transformed if necessary to reflect their non-linearrelationship with 30-day mortality.
Results: We found a non-linearrelationship between low height-for-age and weight-for-age z-scores and mortality after surgery.
Central to our interest was the notion of "feedback", the non-linearrelationship of input to output.
We found a moderately strong non-linearrelationship between modelled climate suitability for P.°fijiensis and the expert ratings for disease pressure.
Locally Weighted Scatterplot Smoothing (LOWESS) curve was used to visualize the linear or non-linearrelationship of each pair.
Human populations exposed to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) via air pollution showed a non-linearrelationship between levels of exposure and WBC-DNA adducts.
Evoked LFP and CBF responses to forepaw stimulation were largest at a frequency of 8-10 Hz, and a non-linearrelationship was observed.
Multivariable fractional polynomials were used to test for the existence of non-linearrelationships of outcomes with time and other continuous covariates.
We investigated the association between the percentage of energy from carbohydrate intake and all-cause mortality, accounting for possible non-linearrelationships in this cohort.
The framework referred to as FAST analyzes protein-based circuits by solving inverse problems involving stochastic functional elements that admit non-linearrelationships between different circuit variables.