Multivariate logistic regression estimated the influence of CCHD on these obstetricoutcomes.
Multivariate logistic regression estimated the relative association between HCV infection and various maternal characteristics and obstetricoutcomes.
Prior studies have reported that compromised maternal mental health occurring during pregnancy may lead to various adverse obstetricoutcomes.
Register-based population studies suggested that births of boys also are associated with subsequent adverse obstetricoutcomes also in the background population.
This highlights the importance of screening for mental health challenges in the antenatal period as a means to reduce adverse obstetricoutcomes.
We describe obstetricoutcomes in a group of patients with prior cesarean delivery (CD) presenting with an intrauterine fetal demise (IUFD).
Depression, anxiety and stress in pregnancy can have negative effects on everything from obstetricoutcomes in the mother to neurodevelopmental disadvantages in the infant.
Objective: To determine cardiac and obstetricoutcomes among women with Marfan syndrome (MS) whose pregnancies were managed in accordance with the French national guidelines.
Obstetricoutcomes were similar between the two groups.