Dr Cormac Macnamara was a general practitioner in the largest family practice in Waterford city and a leading occupationalphysician in the south-east.
Methods: Eight women and four men, ages 22-74, with cold sensitivity were interviewed and examined by an occupationalphysician.
Occupationalphysicians investigate perceived cancer clusters to alleviate employee concerns and pursue etiologic hypotheses.
Occupationalphysician Dr John McDermott will speak about the prevalence of bullying in the workplace.
Also, the role of supervisors and occupationalphysicians in successful return-to-work after childbirth will be clarified.
The final session allows students to present their findings and gain feedback from the occupationalphysicians and their peers.
Internal contamination of professionals is a key concern for occupationalphysicians in the assessment and management of occupational risks in healthcare settings.
The data may be helpful to occupationalphysicians performing occupational screening of exposed workers and to epidemiologists seeking information for building job-exposures matrices.