Oxalic acid (except when in the insoluble state of calcium oxalate), and several otheracids are poisonous.
BONE contains cartilage, gelatine, fat, and the salts of lime, magnesia, soda, &c., in combination with phosphoric and otheracids.
It is affected by carbonic acid, which must, therefore, be removed by boiling when otheracids are to be measured.
Boiling with dilute mineral acids, or baryta water, decomposes albumins into carbon dioxide, ammonia and fatty amino- and otheracids.
Thus, hydrochloric acid acts far less powerfully than hydriodic and many otheracids of the same strength, and is not poisonous.
The third elutriation seems to consist of vegetable acid, which by means unknown appears to be converted into all otheracids.
Its attraction for basis is such that it separates or expels all otheracids, more or less perfectly, from their combinations.
The expulsion of carbon dioxide by the stronger acids serves for the separation of this body from the otheracids and bases.
They have in them two pieces of tinfoil separated by glass, which is a nonconductor of electric currents, and various otheracids and minerals.
Some people find that baking powder made with sodium aluminum sulfate tastes more bitter than that made with otheracids, such as monocalcium phosphate.