During this discussion otherluminaries arrived, including several ladies and the Rev.
The sight of these brilliant orbs no doubt made him think of otherluminaries.
Ernesto da Navelli sits in the front with Harland Griss and several otherluminaries.
Our driver this morning wears white gloves and is used to driving Vice-Premiers and otherluminaries.
A new star had arisen in the oratorical firmament, and soon began to pale all otherluminaries.
She would merely reappear above his horizon among otherluminaries, and shine with her own pure, unborrowed light.
Every time Ireland's corporate tax regime comes under the spotlight, Stiglitz and otherluminaries appear to make similar comments.
German chancellor Angela Merkel visits Brussels tomorrow for special meetings with the European Commission, its chief José Manuel Barroso and otherluminaries.
Contains a foreword by James Cameron, an afterword by Tom Cruise, and contributions from otherluminaries, including Neil Gaiman and John Landis, among others.
I suggest that he widen his scope to encompass the otherluminaries in a series of articles to be called "The O'Toole Report".
He's rubbed shoulders with the rascals of the Christchurch criminal world, and as a thespian worked with Ngio Marsh and otherluminaries of the theatre.
Otherluminaries were not so lucky, chief among them Padraig Harrington, who had an 81 to miss the cut comfortably .