Google eventually agreed, and Vice President of Marketing Lorraine Twohill oversawtheproject.
Suda didn't direct Let it Die, but he oversawtheproject and left his fingerprints all over it.
According to Barbara Douglas, a USFWS biologist who oversawtheproject, the department is now reviewing the colony's care.
According to the Archaeological Department, which oversawtheproject, he was a drinker but would not begin drinking until the afternoons.
Doron Swade, a former curator at the London museum and now with the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, oversawtheproject.
The person who oversawtheproject is Donna Bucella, who has run the FBI's Terrorist Screening Center since it began operations in 2003.
Kirk Hawkins, an associate professor at Brigham Young University (BYU) who has pioneered the use of textual analysis in populism studies, oversawtheproject.
At one point, Mr. S, who oversawtheproject, referred to the lynx release as "an experiment of sorts" and admitted the project was rushed.