The Trump administration has moved toward withdrawals of U.S. forces after years of overseasdeployments.
He said local allies were important to the West in part because large overseasdeployments were too expensive.
His overseasdeployments include the Balkans in 1995-96.
During the course of the three-year study, they examined the before-and-after effects of over 171,000 overseasdeployments.
They split their time between tests and war games in the U.S. and overseasdeployments, with occasional down time to tweak their systems.
After a decade of non-stop overseasdeployments and mercy missions in the Pacific, Gareth Thomas looks at what lies ahead for the military.
There are approximately 30,000 veterans in this country and about 14,000 people in the Defence Force, some of whom are veterans of overseasdeployments themselves.