In February, Russia and the United Kingdom were affected by their owncryptocurrency scandals.
While Senegalese-American hip-hop artist Akon is setting his sights on Africa with his owncryptocurrency.
In 2018, it briefly hit the headlines after announcing it was launching its owncryptocurrency, KodakCoin.
Its owncryptocurrency BNB entered a notable uptrend at the beginning of the year with outstanding growth.
Investors can trade bitcoin on an exchange run by Prokopenya, while other companies are launching their owncryptocurrency platforms.
And now Facebook has said it would offer its owncryptocurrency, the Libra coin, by end of June 2020.
His startup, which is building a blockchain-based website that lets users find handymen online, raised money by issuing its owncryptocurrency.
Alex Sims of Auckland University's Department of Commercial Law says Facebook opening its owncryptocurrency will have a huge effect on the market.
WASHINGTON, June 18 (Reuters) - A senior Republican lawmaker wants Congress to promptly examine Facebook Inc's decision to launch its owncryptocurrency.
In recent years, Facebook has made large investments in ecommerce to test and diversify revenue streams as it also looks to launch its owncryptocurrency.
Last week, shares in Kodak more than quadrupled over a 24-hour period after the ailing camera company announced it was launching its owncryptocurrency, KodakCoin.
He declared that he would start to charge $105,000 per tweet to endorse cryptocurrencies; a month later, he announced he was launching his owncryptocurrency.
The risk of fraud and lack of transparency about who ownscryptocurrencies like bitcoin and ether have made regulators around the world wary.