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The partitioncoefficient results indicated both of them were hydrophilic, and cellular uptake studies showed they exhibited good hypoxic selectivity.
This is what geologists call the " partitioncoefficient" -or how likely is an element to want to be in the crystal or melt.
The association of diclofenac with the embryos conformed to the general partition model at low concentration, the partitioncoefficient being 0.0033 ml per embryo.
Microcystin-LR log(K ow) partitioncoefficient values were found to be consistent with previously established literature values, 1.67 to -1.41 between pH 1 and 8.
The internal and external partitioncoefficients for binding were determined to correct for binding in the calculation of DeltaPsi.
Available estimates of colloid-water partitioncoefficients (Kcoc) are highly variable and not easily explained by regularly applied Kow-Koc relationships.
The partitioncoefficients of glucose and xylose between the IL and alkali phases can be accurately predicted using molecular dynamics simulations.
The lognK values were well correlated with the octanol-water partitioncoefficients; the correlation coefficients were over 0.95.
These results, in addition to the n-octanol partitioncoefficients, indicated that enalapril obeyed the normal lipid partition hypothesis with respect to buccal absorption.
The partitioncoefficients measured in bovine tissues correlated positively with the log (distribution coefficient) and exhibited a trend opposite that of transport.