Putin has also now answered the perennialquestion of whether sanctions are working: They are.
The perennialquestion with the Proms is: to reinvent, or to let the formula roll on?
Nevertheless, there was still room for excitement and drollery in the perennialquestion of the seats.
He started with a perennialquestion the Greens ask the Prime Minister John Key nearly every week.
It's a perennialquestion.
Sir, - At long last, do we have the answer to the perennialquestion of what to do with Liberty Hall?
It raised a perennialquestion about this president: How low can his approval ratings go, and how much does it matter?
Wines from Stephen Morris With the gingernut there is the perennialquestion of starting to drink too early in the day.
In his forward to the score, Charles Ives outlines the idea of the work as dealing with humanity's " perennialquestion of existence".
But the perennialquestion is what in practical terms can the UK do to resist a takeover in Hong Kong, apart from express outrage.
At a public meeting organised by the New Ireland Group, members of 10 different political parties came to discuss the perennialquestion of Northern Ireland.
Tradition provides a jumping-off Point which enables men and women to engage with the perennialquestions about the ultimate meaning of life.
(Needless to say, I raise no new issue here, but only recycle the perennialquestion of "the species problem" in asexual organisms.)