It was by reflections of this kind that, some years ago, I was led to write and permitthepublication of the subjoined sketch.
Bob knew that the authorities would not permitthepublication of any such items if they could prevent it so he was not surprised.
The India Council having refused to permitthepublication of this dialogue, Sepulveda petitioned the Emperor, who referred the matter to the Council of Castile.
The Government has been trenchant in its persistence in not permittingthepublications of these findings.
The authorities of Yale University, which possesses the manuscript, have kindly permittedthepublication of these data.
Meanwhile, as an earnest of what should be hereafter, he permittedthepublication of a collection of his early poems.
To read these passages gives one a favorable notion of the liberality or the stupidity of the government which permittedthepublication of the tragedy.
"You will do the sensible thing if you permitthepublication of Alma's picture and a brief story that she is missing," John said.