But few politicalmemoirs are bold enough to begin with it.
Never in the field of politicalmemoirs, has so much been written by so few about so little.
Former EU Commissioner Mr Pádraig Flynn has received a number of offers from publishers to write his politicalmemoirs.
I devoured juicy politicalmemoirs and regularly tuned into Meet The Press to watch politicians tear lumps out of each other.
Since our marriage she had read a number of politicalmemoirs, and she had been particularly impressed by the career of Mrs. Gladstone.
Some of us, pursuing such interests, went so far as to read politicalmemoirs and the novels of Disraeli and Mrs. Humphry Ward.
Houssaie, in his politicalmemoirs, has detailed an anecdote of this duke, only known to the English reader in the general observation of the historian.