The message was in direct violation of standing presidentialorders going back seventeen years.
On presidentialorders no one is to leave this building.
The governor of the southwestern province of Baluchistan dissolved the local parliament on presidentialorders.
Biong said it was unclear why the finance ministry had not followed through on the presidentialorders.
But the Supreme Court, hearing petitions by supporters of Wickremesinghe, stayed the latest presidentialorders until Dec. 7.
At least, he knew the proper passwords to show that he was acting under presidentialorders, whatever that proves.
The president then spent his five years in office humiliating his colleague, referring to him publicly as an underling there to carry out presidentialorders.
White House Chief of Staff Andrew H. Card Jr. had "no idea," he said, that the presidentialorders were held in a vice presidential safe.
The details of this decision appeared in the PresidentialOrders of the past few days, so need not be repeated now.