How can Congress continue to ignore what is becoming our most pressingnational security issue?
The problem of the degenerates, the physical and mental weaklings is already a pressingnational question.
For too long this Congress has been standing still on some of our most pressingnational priorities.
The answer is that, in view of pressingnational needs, they are going to give up having victories.
Aided by their findings, I shall submit on January 27th detailed recommendations which will meet our most pressingnational highway needs.
Redskins spokesman Tony Wyllie, in an email to Reuters, chided the lawmakers for focusing on the team's name given other pressingnational issues.
Having secured the passage of the excise tax as a permanent source of income, Hamilton turned to meet the most pressingnational obligations.
Everyone saw that pressingnational tasks were neglected, as carbon cuts and affordable housing targets were missed, as transport worsened along with education and productivity.